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Normal (human) users may find the normal Lens Database page more useful in selecting a lens, though this list maybe more useful if you already know which lens you're looking for.


[edit] Designations

Nikon has introduced many proprietary designations for F-mount Nikkor lenses, reflecting design variations and developments both in lenses and the F-mount itself. There are also "unofficial" designations used by collectors and dealers to differentiate similar lenses.

[edit] Pre-autofocus
A typical F-type ("Pre-AI") lens: A Nikkor 50mm 1:1.4 showing "Nippon Kogaku Japan" engravings, scalloped-metal focus ring, and old-style Meter Coupling Prong (clearly visible to the top right of photo).
A typical AI lens: A Nikkor 50mm 1:1.4 showing "Nikon" engravings, rubber focus ring, and new-style Meter Coupling Prong distinguished by its cutaway sections. The lens is mounted on a Nikon FE2 camera.
  • F (also unofficially Pre-AI, Non-AI or NAI) — Designation for the first generation of F-mount lenses, introduced in 1959. These were all single-coated, and meter coupling was provided by a prong (known as the Meter Coupling Prong) fixed to the lens's aperture ring. The Photomic T through-the-lens light meter introduced in 1965 worked at full aperture, so the maximum aperture of the lens had to be communicated to the meter by mounting the lens with the aperture ring set to f/5.6, and then turning the ring to first the minimum and then the maximum apertures. (The need for this step was eliminated by the AI system below.) Early versions are marked "Nippon Kogaku Japan" and have their focal lengths stated in centimetres, but models produced after about 1965 have focal lengths stated in millimetres. The "Nippon Kogaku Japan" engraving was replaced by "Nikon" from 1971 onwards.
    Warning: Mounting a non-AI lens can damage many modern Nikon camera bodies. Non-AI lenses can be converted to the AI specification; see AI'd below.
  • T, Q, P, H, S, O, N, UD, QD, PD — Appears immediately before or after the "Nikkor" name on F-type lenses (see above), designating the number of optical elements in the design. Short for Tres (3), Quatour (4), Pente (5), Hex (6), Septem (7), Octo (8), Novem (9), UnoDecem (11), QuatourDecem (14) and PenteDecem (15).[1] The terms Uns (1) and Bini (2) were also apparently designated, but never used. This designation scheme was dropped with the introduction of "Modern" (K-type) Nikkors in 1974.
  • Auto — Designation for F-type lenses indicating an automatic diaphragm (aperture). Not to be confused with automatic exposure or auto focus, the designation fell out of use in the early 1970s and was not carried onto K-type lenses.
  • C — Indicates a multicoated F-type lens. Appears with an interpunct after the number of optical elements (in the form "Nikkor-X·C"). This designation was introduced in 1971 and discontinued in 1974 with the introduction of "Modern" (K-type) Nikkors, when multicoating had become standard practice.
  • K — "Modern" or "New" Nikkors introduced in 1974. While Pre-AI for compatibility purposes, K-type lenses introduced the new cosmetics that would be used from 1977 onwards for AI-type lenses (see below). The scalloped-metal focus rings were replaced with rubber grip insets, and the use of element number and coating designations was discontinued. The 'K' designation itself is believed to be derived from the Japanese "konnichi-teki", loosely translatable as "modern" or "contemporary".
  • AI — Manual focus with "Automatic Maximum-Aperture Indexing," introduced in 1977. AI-S adds a Meter Coupling Ridge to the aperture ring, which encodes the current aperture setting relative to the maximum, and a Lens Speed Indexing Post on the mounting flange, which encodes the maximum aperture itself. The Ridge and Post couple to the camera's light meter. Lenses designated AI-S, Series E, and AF all include these features of AI. Current professional Nikon camera bodies link with the Meter Coupling Ridge, but the Lens Speed Indexing Post is ignored and the maximum aperture value is set electronically by the operator instead. AI-designated lenses also improved on the original Meter Coupling Prong, adding cutaways which allow more ambient light to fall on the aperture ring, increasing visibility on cameras which optically projected the setting inside the viewfinder.
  • AI'd — An unofficial designation for lenses converted partially (Meter Coupling Ridge only) or completely from non-AI to AI. This is accomplished by replacing the aperture ring and the metering prong (using a long-discontinued kit procured from Nikon) or by modifying the original part. Some independent camera repair technicians continue to offer such conversions.
  • AI-S — The successor to AI, the AI-S specification added two mechanical enhancements — standardized aperture control, and the Focal Length Indexing Ridge — required for the shutter priority and other auto-aperture exposure modes of the Nikon FA, F-301/N2000, F-501/N2020, and F4 cameras. Later cameras did not require these features, and interoperate with AI and AI-S lenses identically. The term AI-S is now commonly used to refer to manual focus lenses, and Nikon continues to produce 8 prime lens models in its AI-S line. All Nikon AF lenses with aperture rings (non-G) also meet the AI-S specification, except for their lack of a Meter Coupling Prong (which can be added).
    • Standardized aperture control. AI-S lens apertures move in a standardized fashion in relation to their stop-down levers. The levers of AI and pre-AI lenses were intended only to close the aperture to its manual setting. The advance of aperture control by the camera body itself, by partial actuation of the stop-down lever, meant more precision was required for consistent exposure. This feature is indicated by a Lens Type Signal notch in the lens mount. Although later Nikon cameras cannot control the apertures of AI-S lenses as the F4, they control the apertures of AF lenses using the same method of partial lever actuation and standardized response.
    • Focal Length Indexing Ridge. AI-S lenses with a focal length of 135mm or longer are indicated by a ridge on the lens mount, used by FA, F-501, and F4 to engage high-speed-biased Program Autoexposure.
[edit] Electromechanical and data communication
  • AF — The original autofocus designation, indicating focus driven by a motor inside the camera body. All AF lenses have a CPU. Used in the form "AF Nikkor", this should not confused with the original autofocus lenses for the F3AF camera, which were designated "AF-Nikkor" and are considered predecessors to AF-I lenses.
  • AF-D — Designation for an AF lens (as above) with "D" functionality (see "D" below).
  • AF-I — Autofocus-Internal. Driven by a coreless DC motor. Used only in long telephoto lenses (300 mm f/2.8 through 600 mm f/4.0) starting in 1992. Replaced with AF-S in 1996.
  • AF-S — Autofocus-Silent. Uses a "Silent Wave Motor" (ultrasonic motor) to focus quietly and quickly. Similar to Canon's "USM" technology. Introduced in 1996.
  • AF-N — Indicates the "New" version of an AF lens. The change from plastic focus rings on early AF lenses to the a new "rubber inset focus ring" (RIFR) is often indicated by the AF-N designation.
  • CPU — Central Processing Unit. The lens is fitted with electrical contacts for digital communication with the camera. All AF and AI-P lenses are CPU lenses. Some non-professional Nikon cameras require CPU lenses for metered operation. This designation appears in specifications but not lens names.
  • D — Distance. Indicated after the f-number in the name, and also occasionally designated AF-D. The lens electronically communicates focus distance information, which is incorporated into the camera's exposure calculations in 3D Matrix Metering mode, and also D-TTL and I-TTL flash autoexposure. All AF-I, AF-S, and G-type lenses are also D-type.
  • E or PC-EElectromagnetic diaphragm. The aperture diaphragm of an E lens is controlled digitally by the camera, and actuated electromagnetically by a system housed within the lens, rather than employing the F-mount's traditional mechanical diaphragm linkage. Currently this system appears only in certain Perspective Control lenses, designated PC-E, with designs that preclude a mechanical linkage. The E feature is only supported by the Nikon D3, D3X, D3S, D700, D300, and D300S cameras. PC-E lenses require manual diaphragm operation on other cameras. Not to be confused with Series E lenses.
  • G — Designation for lenses without an aperture ring, indicated after the f-number in the name. G lenses retain the mechanical diaphragm coupling of other Nikkors, but the aperture setting can only be controlled by the camera body. Only autofocus bodies with command dials are capable of controlling G lenses. Older autofocus bodies will work with G lenses in shutter priority and program modes with full opened aperture.[2][3] Some recent G lenses feature a weatherproofing gasket around the mounting flange. G lenses otherwise have the same characteristics as D lenses.
  • P or AI-P — "AI with Program." CPU-enabled variation of AI-S. Includes only the 45/2.8P, 500/4P and 1200-1700/5.6-8P Nikkor lenses. Zeiss ZF.2 and Voigtländer SL lenses are also AI-P designs, although they are not designated as such. Not to be confused with early lenses marked "Nikkor-P" meaning a 5-element lens (see pre-autofocus designations above).
[edit] Optical design
  • CRC — Close Range Correction. Improved performance at close focus distances. Achieved by internal focus movements that move differently relative to the movement of the other focusing elements. This designation appears in specifications but not lens names.
  • DC — Defocus Control. DC lenses have a separate control ring for spherical aberration, which affects primarily the appearance of out-of-focus areas, also known as bokeh. At extreme settings, DC lenses can generate an overall soft-focus effect. Includes only the AF DC-Nikkor 105mm f/2D and AF DC-Nikkor 135mm f/2D.
  • ED — "Extra-low Dispersion" glass incorporated to reduce chromatic aberration. Lenses using ED elements usually carry a gold ring around the barrel to indicate the fact (although on some low-end lenses gold foil is used instead), and older lenses were also marked "NIKKOR✻ED". In addition to normal ED glass, "Super ED" glass is used in some lenses.
  • GNGuide Number. Assists in flash exposure on cameras without automatic flash metering. The flash's guide number is set on the lens, and the aperture is accordingly coupled to the lens's focus ring for correct exposure. The only GN lens, the supercompact GN Auto Nikkor (it was the second smallest Nikon F-mount lens ever made), was built during the late 1960s and early 1970s.
  • IF — Internal Focus. Focusing is accomplished through the movement of internal lens groups, eliminating extension and rotation of the front lens element, allowing focus to be driven quickly by a small motor. IF lenses also allow the use of a polarizing filter without the need to readjust it after focus.
  • Micro — Micro-Nikkor lenses are capable of high reproduction ratios, typically 1:2 or 1:1, for macro photography. The first Micro-Nikkor lenses were created for producing microforms of Kanji text.[4]
  • N — Indicates the Nano Crystal Coat, a relatively new type of lens coating that originated in Nikon's semiconductor division. Lenses with this coating feature the logo of an "N" inside an elongated hexagon on the name plate.
  • NIC — Nikon Integrated Coating, a proprietary multicoating. Appears in specifications but not lens names.
  • PCPerspective Control. Lens features shift movements (and also tilt movements on some models) to control perspective and depth-of-field. Newer PC lenses are designated PC-E (see designation E above). Not to be confused with early lenses marked "Nikkor-P·C" meaning a 5-element coated lens (see pre-autofocus designations above).
  • SIC — Super Integrated Coating, a proprietary multicoating. Appears in specifications but not lens names.
  • VRVibration Reduction. Uses a moving optical group to reduce the photographic effects of camera shake. Some VR lenses also support a panning mode, detecting horizontal movement of the lens and minimizing only vertical vibration. The second generation of VR is called VR II, which is designed to offer another 1-stop advantage over original VR, but lenses with this feature are still designated simply "VR."
[edit] Alternate product lines
  • IX — Lenses designed for use with the now-defunct Pronea APS SLR. These are all autofocus zoom lenses. They are not compatible with cameras outside of the Pronea system unless mirror lock-up is used[5]
  • Series E — A line of lower-cost lenses manufactured during the 1980s for Nikon's amateur SLRs. They sacrificed some construction quality and employed simpler optical designs. All were specified as AI-S, but not branded Nikkor, instead carrying the text "Nikon Lens Series E."
[edit] Esoteric
  • Bellows — Lens designed exclusively for use on a bellows unit, primarily for macro photography. Also called short mount. Since some Nikon bellows allow for a front rise, they allow a limited variety of lenses to be used similarly to a PC lens (see Optical design above).
  • Medical — Nikkor designation for a macro lens with a built-in ring light strobe system, designed for clinical and scientific applications.
  • Noct — "Night." Specialty low-light lens designed for maximum sharpness at the widest aperture setting. The name has been applied only to the Noct-Nikkor 58mm f/1.2.
  • OP — Orthographic Projection. Fisheye lens that produces an image which maintains the same brightness in the image as in the object, with no falloff at the edges.[1]

[edit] Manual Focus Primes

  • 6 mm f/2.8 Circular Fisheye
  • 6 mm f/5.6 Circular Fisheye (requires MLU)
  • 7.5 mm f/5.6 Circular Fisheye (requires MLU)
  • 8 mm f/2.8 Circular Fisheye
  • 8 mm f/8.0 Circular Fisheye (requires MLU)
  • 10 mm f/5.6 OP Circular Fisheye (requires MLU)
  • 13 mm f/5.6
  • 15 mm f/3.5
  • 15 mm f/5.6
  • 16 mm f/2.8 Full Frame Fisheye
  • 16 mm f/3.5 Full Frame Fisheye
  • 18 mm f/4.0
  • 18 mm f/3.5
  • 20 mm f/2.8
  • 20 mm f/3.5 UD
  • 20 mm f/3.5
  • 20 mm f/4.0
  • 21 mm f/4.0 (requires MLU)
  • 24 mm f/2.0
  • 24 mm f/2.8
  • 28 mm f/2.0
  • 28 mm f/2.8
  • 28 mm f/3.5
  • 35 mm f/1.4
  • 35 mm f/2.0
  • 35 mm f/2.8
  • 45 mm f/2.8 GN
  • 45 mm f/2.8 P
  • 50 mm f/1.2
  • 50 mm f/1.4
  • 50 mm f/1.8
  • 50 mm f/2.0
  • 55 mm f/1.2
  • 55 mm f/4.0 UV
  • 58 mm f/1.2 Noct
  • 58 mm f/1.4
  • 85 mm f/1.4
  • 85 mm f/1.8
  • 85 mm f/2.0
  • 105 mm f/1.8
  • 105 mm f/2.5
  • 105 mm f/4.5 UV
  • 120 mm f/4.0 IF Medical
  • 135 mm f/2.0
  • 135 mm f/2.8
  • 135 mm f/3.5
  • 180 mm f/2.8 ED
  • 200 mm f/2.0 ED-IF
  • 200 mm f/4.0 Q
  • 200 mm f/4.0
200 mm f/5.6 Medical Nikkor, mounted on a Nikon F with high-speed motor drive.
  • 200 mm f/5.6 Medical
  • 300 mm f/2.0 ED-IF
  • 300 mm f/2.8 ED-IF
  • 300 mm f/4.5 P
  • 300 mm f/4.5 H
  • 300 mm f/4.5 ED
  • 300 mm f/4.5 ED-IF
  • 400 mm f/2.8 ED-IF
  • 400 mm f/3.5 ED-IF
  • 400 mm f/4.5
  • 400 mm f/5.6 ED-IF
  • 500 mm f/4.0 P ED-IF
  • 500 mm f/5.0 Reflex
  • 500 mm f/8.0 Reflex
  • 600 mm f/4.0 ED-IF
  • 600 mm f/5.6 ED-IF
  • 800 mm f/5.6 ED-IF
  • 800 mm f/8.0 ED
  • 800 mm f/8.0 ED-IF
  • 1000 mm f/6.3 Reflex
  • 1000 mm f/11.0 Reflex
  • 1200 mm f/11.0 ED-IF
  • 2000 mm f/11.0 Reflex

[edit] Autofocus Primes

  • 14 mm f/2.8D ED AF
  • 16 mm f/2.8D AF Full Frame Fisheye
  • 18 mm f/2.8D AF
  • 20 mm f/2.8 AF
  • 20 mm f/2.8D AF
  • 24 mm f/1.4G ED AF-S N
  • 24 mm f/2.8 AF
  • 24 mm f/2.8D AF
  • 28 mm f/1.4D AF Aspherical
  • 28 mm f/2.8 AF
  • 28 mm f/2.8D AF
  • 35 mm f/1.4G AF-S
  • 35 mm f/2.0 AF
  • 35 mm f/2.0D AF
  • 50 mm f/1.4 AF
  • 50 mm f/1.4D AF
  • 50 mm f/1.8 AF
  • 50 mm f/1.8D AF
  • 50 mm f/1.4G AF-S
  • 50 mm f/1.8G AF-S
  • 80 mm f/2.8 AF (F3AF dedicated)
  • 85 mm f/1.4D AF
  • 85 mm f/1.4G AF-S N
  • 85 mm f/1.8 AF
  • 85 mm f/1.8D AF
  • 85 mm f/1.8G AF-S
  • 105 mm f/2.0D AF DC
  • 135 mm f/2.0 AF DC
  • 135 mm f/2.0D AF DC
  • 180 mm f/2.8 ED-IF AF
  • 180 mm f/2.8D ED-IF AF
  • 200 mm f/3.5 ED-IF AF (F3AF dedicated)
  • 300 mm f/2.8D ED-IF AF-I
  • 300 mm f/2.8D ED-IF AF-S II
  • 300 mm f/4 ED-IF AF
  • 300 mm f/4D ED-IF AF-S
  • 400 mm f/2.8D ED-IF AF-I
  • 400 mm f/2.8D ED-IF AF-S II
  • 500 mm f/4D ED-IF AF-S II
  • 600 mm f/4D ED-IF AF-I
  • 600 mm f/4D ED-IF AF-S II

[edit] Teleconverters

  • TC-1 (2.0x)
  • TC-2 (2.0x)
  • TC-200 (2.0x)
  • TC-300 (2.0x)
  • TC-201 (2.0x)
  • TC-301 (2.0x)
  • TC-14 (1.4x)
  • TC-14A (1.4x)
  • TC-14B (1.4x)
  • TC-14C (1.4x)
  • TC-16 (1.6x) (F3AF only)
  • TC-16A (1.6x)
  • TC-20E (2.0x)
  • TC-14E (1.4x)
  • TC-14E II (1.4x)
  • TC-17E II (1.7x)
  • TC-20E II (2.0x)
  • TC-20E III (2.0x)

[edit] Micro Lenses (for macro photography)

  • 40 mm f/2.8G AF-S DX Micro
  • 45 mm f/2.8 ED PC-E Micro
  • 55 mm f/2.8 Micro
  • 55 mm f/2.8 AF Micro
  • 55 mm f/3.5 Micro
  • 60 mm f/2.8D AF Micro
  • 60 mm f/2.8D AF-S G Micro N
  • 85 mm f/2.8D PC Micro
  • 85 mm f/2.8D PC-E Micro
  • 105 mm f/4.0 (bellows lens)
Nikon F with 105 mm f/4 Micro Nikkor.
  • 105 mm f/4.0 Micro
  • 105 mm f/2.8 Micro
  • 105 mm f/2.8D AF Micro
  • 135 mm f/4.0 (bellows lens)
  • 200 mm f/4.0 IF Micro
  • 200 mm f/4.0D ED-IF AF Micro
  • 70–180 mm f/4.5-5.6 ED AF-D Micro

[edit] Manual Focus Zooms

  • 25–50 mm f/4.0
  • 28–45 mm f/4.5
  • 28–50 mm f/3.5 Macro
  • 28–85 mm f/3.5-4.5 Macro
  • 35–70 mm f/3.5
  • 35–70 mm f/3.5 Macro
  • 35–70 mm f/3.3-4.5
  • 35–70 mm f/3.5-4.8
  • 35–85 mm f/2.8-4.0 (prototype only)
  • 35–105 mm f/3.5-4.5 Macro
  • 35–135 mm f/3.5-4.5
  • 35–200 mm f/3.5-4.5 Macro
  • 43–86 mm f/3.5
  • 50–135 mm f/3.5 Macro
  • 50–300 mm f/4.5
  • 50–300 mm f/4.5 ED
  • 70–210 mm f/4.5-5.6
  • 80–200 mm f/2.8 ED
  • 80–200 mm f/4.0
  • 80–200 mm f/4.5
  • 85–250 mm f/4.0-4.5
  • 100–300 mm f/5.6 Macro
  • 180–600 mm f/8.0 ED
  • 200–400 mm f/4.0 ED
  • 200–600 mm f/9.5
  • 360–1200 mm f/11.0 ED
  • 1200–1700 mm f/5.6-8.0 P ED-IF

[edit] Autofocus Zooms (professional)

[edit] Autofocus Zooms (consumer)

[edit] Vibration reduction (VR) lenses in FX (full-frame) format

Nikkor 24-120 mm f/3.5-5.6G AF-S VR FX lens: note red "VR" designation
  • 16–35 mm f/4G ED AF-S VR N
  • 24–120 mm f/3.5-5.6G AF-S VR
  • 24–120 mm f/4G ED AF-S VR
  • 28–300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED AF-S VR
  • 70–200 mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR
  • 70–200 mm f/2.8G ED AF-S VR II
  • 70–300 mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED AF-S VR
  • 80–400 mm f/4.5-5.6D ED AF VR
  • 105 mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR Micro N
  • 200 mm f/2G ED-IF AF-S VR
  • 200 mm f/2G ED AF-S VR II
  • 200–400 mm f/4G ED-IF AF-S VR
  • 300 mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR N
  • 300 mm f/2.8G ED AF-S VR II
  • 400 mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR N
  • 500 mm f/4G ED-IF AF-S VR N
  • 600 mm f/4G ED-IF AF-S VR N

[edit] Lenses for Nikon DX format

18-70 mm f/3.5-4.5G ED-IF AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor

[edit] Vibration reduction (VR) lenses in DX format

[edit] Nikon Series E

Nikon Series E 50mm f/1.8 lens
  • 28 mm f/2.8
  • 35 mm f/2.5
  • 50 mm f/1.8
  • 100 mm f/2.8
  • 135 mm f/2.8
  • 36–72 mm f/3.5
  • 70–210 mm f/4.0
  • 75–150 mm f/3.5

[edit] Lenses with integrated autofocus-motor

Nikon lenses with integrated autofocus-motor are designated AF-S and AF-I. They are needed for new cameras with lack of an autofocus motor. Today these are the Nikon D40, D40X, D60, D3000, D3100, D5000, D5100 and the Nikon 1 series with FT1 adapter. Currently listed are 57 Nikon Nikkor lenses including teleconverters and 81 lenses from other manufacturers.

[edit] Perspective control (PC) lenses

The 24 mm f/3.5D ED PC-E Nikkor of 2008 adds the tilt function to Nikkor's traditional shift function
The 35mm f/3.5 PC-Nikkor, introduced in 1961. Note the small clearance between the shifting section of the lens and the camera body. The lens cannot be mounted on later camera bodies with protruding prisms.

Nikon PC lenses, like other perspective control lenses, offer adjustments that duplicate certain view camera movements. The 28mm and 35mm PC lenses support shifting the lens in relation to the film or sensor plane, while Nikon's 24mm, 45mm, and 85mm PC-E lenses also support tilting.

Nikon currently offers 4 different PC lenses for sale: the three PC-E Nikkors (2008), and the 85mm PC-Nikkor (1999). The 45 mm and 85 mm “Micro” lenses offer close focus (0.5 magnification) for macrophotography. The PC-E lenses (the "E" designates an electromagnetic diaphragm) offer automatic aperture control with the D3, D3S, D3X, D700, D300, D300S and D7000 cameras. With earlier camera models, a PC-E lens operates like a PC lens. The PC Micro-Nikkor 85 mm f/2.8D lens offers only preset aperture control, actuated mechanically by pressing a plunger.

[edit] History

In July 1962, Nikon released the first interchangeable perspective control lens available for a single-lens reflex camera camera, the 35mm f/3.5 PC-Nikkor.[6] This was followed in 1968 by a redesigned 35mm f/2.8 PC-Nikkor in which the shifting portion of the lens was further from the camera's body, in order to clear the new "Photomic" meters. The last optical redesign of this 35mm lens was released in 1980.[7]

The 35mm PC-Nikkor did not meet the need of photographers for a wider-angle lens, so in July 1975 Nikon released the 28mm f/4 PC-Nikkor. In February 1981 Nikon released an improved version of this lens, the 28mm f/3.5 PC-Nikkor, with a new optical design. This was the last of the completely manual PC-Nikkors to be offered.

[edit] Specifications
Lens Intro Aperture Range Elements/ Groups Focus Stop-Down Rotation / Click Stops Max. Shift/Tilt Shift Knob Weight Size (Diameter × Length) Filter Thread Photo
24mm f/3.5 PC-E Nikkor[8] 2008 f/3.5–f/32 13/10 0.21m–∞ electronic 90° R/L / 30° 11.5mm/8.5° metal 25.7 oz. (730g) 82.5mm × 108mm 77mm Nikkor-PC-E.jpg
28mm f/4 PC-Nikkor[9] 1975 f/4–f/22 10/8 0.3m–∞ manual 360°/30° 11mm/none metal 14.5 oz. (410g) 78mm × 68mm 72mm 28mm-f4-left.jpg
28mm f/3.5 PC-Nikkor[10] 1981 f/3.5–f/22 9/8 0.3m–∞ manual 360°/30° 11mm/none metal 13.5 oz. (382g) 78mm × 69mm 72mm 28mm-PC.jpg
35mm f/3.5 PC-Nikkor 1961 f/3.5–f/32 6/6 0.3m–∞ manual 360°/30° 11mm/none metal 10.2 oz. (290g) 70mm × 52mm 52mm 35mmPC500.jpg
35mm f/2.8 PC-Nikkor[11] 1968 f/2.8–f/32 8/7 0.3m–∞ manual 360°/30° 11mm/none metal 11.6 oz. (330g) 70mm × 66.5mm 52mm 35pc-ftn.jpg
35mm f/2.8 PC-Nikkor[12] 1980 f/2.8–f/32 7/7 0.3m–∞ manual 360°/30° 11mm/none plastic 11.3 oz. (320g) 62mm × 66.5mm 52mm New-35mm-left.jpg
45 mm f/2.8D ED PC-E Nikkor 2008


85 mm f/2.8D PC* Micro-Nikkor 1999


85 mm f/2.8D PC-E Micro-Nikkor 2008


[edit] Zeiss ZF

Zeiss ZF series lenses are manual-focus designs Nikon AI-S type aperture indexing. They are manufactured by Cosina to Zeiss specifications. Four design variations are designated ZF, ZF.2, ZF-I, and ZF-IR.

ZF is the original product line. ZF.2 lenses are CPU-enabled (similar to Nikon AI-P lenses) offering full metering compatibility with the full range of AF Nikon SLR cameras. ZF-I lenses add mechanical locks for focus and aperture, and additional environmental sealing, for industrial applications. ZF-IR lenses are adapted to infrared imaging, with coatings that transmit wavelengths up to 1100 nm, and focus scales marked for infrared.

[edit] Zeiss CP.2

CP.2 lenses are a series of Zeiss "CompactPrime" cinema lenses which present F-mount as one of three mounting options. The lenses cover the 36×24 mm area of the 135 film or Nikon FX format, and lenses 28 mm and longer share a common T-stop of 2.1.

[edit] Hartblei

Hartblei Super-Rotator lenses are 360° tilt-shift lenses manufactured in Ukraine. Some current versions of the Super-Rotator feature German-made Carl Zeiss optics.

  • Hartblei optics
    • 35 mm f/2.8 MC TS-PC Super-Rotator
    • 65 mm f/3.5 MC TS-PC Super-Rotator
    • 80 mm f/2.8 MC TS-PC Super-Rotator
    • 120 mm f/2.8 MC TS-PC Super-Rotator
  • "Optics by Carl Zeiss"
    • 40 mm f/4 IF TS Super-Rotator
    • 80 mm f/2,8 TS Super-Rotator
    • 120 mm f/4 TS Macro Super-Rotator

[edit] Kiev-Arsenal

  • MC TS Arsat 35mm f/2.8 Tilt Shift

[edit] Voigtländer

Voigtländer SL-series lenses are manufactured by Cosina.

[edit] SL

Voigtländer SL lenses are manual-focus designs with Nikon AI-S type aperture indexing. They were discontinued in concert with the introduction of Zeiss ZF lenses (see above).

  • 12 mm f/5.6 SL Ultra Heliar (aspherical)
  • 15 mm f/4.5 SL Heliar (aspherical)
  • 40 mm f/2 SL Ultron (aspherical)
  • 58 mm f/1.4 SL Topcor
  • 75 mm f/2.5 SL Color-Heliar
  • 90 mm f/3.5 SL APO-Lanthar Close Focus
  • 125 mm f/2.5 SL APO-Lanthar (1:1 macro)
  • 180 mm f/4 SL APO-Lanthar

[edit] SL

Voigtländer SL (also written SL II) lenses are described by the manufacturer as CPU-enabled manual-focus designs with Nikon AI-S type aperture indexing. The Nikon term for such a design is AI-P, although these lenses are not designated as such. The CPU of SL lenses enables full compatibility (except for autofocus) with the full range of AF Nikon SLR cameras.

  • 20 mm f/3.5 SL Skopar (aspherical)
  • 40 mm f/2 SL Ultron (aspherical)
  • 58 mm f/1.4 SL Nokton/Topcor
  • 90 mm f/3.5 SL APO-Lanthar Close Focus

[edit] Angénieux

  • 28–70 mm f/2.6 AF
  • 35–70 mm f/2.5-3.3
  • 70–210 mm f/3.5
  • 180 mm f/2.3 DEM APO
  • 200 mm f/2.8 DEM ED

[edit] Schneider Kreuznach

  • PC Super-Angulon 28 mm f/2.8
  • PC-TS Super-Angulon 50 mm f/2.8 HM
  • PC-TS Makro-Symmar 90 mm f/4.0 HM

[edit] Samyang

[edit] Sigma

[edit] Tamron

[edit] Tokina

  • AT-X 17 PRO AF 17mm f/3.5
  • AT-X M35 PRO DX AF 35mm f/2.8 MACRO
  • AT-X M90 90mm f/2.5 MACRO
  • AT-X M100 PRO D AF 100mm f/2.8 MACRO
  • AT-X 300 PRO AF 300mm f/2.8
  • AT-X 304 AF 300mm f/4
  • AT-X SD AF 400mm f/5.6
  • AT-X 107 DX AF fisheye 10-17mm f/3.5~4.5
  • AT-X 116 PRO DX AF 11–16mm f/2.8
  • AT-X 124 PRO DX AF 12–24mm f/4
  • AT-X PRO FX AF 16-28mm f/2.8
  • AT-X 165 PRO DX AF 16–50mm f/2.8
  • AT-X DX AF 16.5-135mm f/3.5-5.6
  • AF 193 AF 19-35mm f/3.5~4.5
  • AT-X 235 PRO AF 20-35mm f/2.8
  • AF 235 20-35mm f/3.5-4.5
  • AT-X 240 AF 24-40mm f/2.8
  • AT-X 242 AF 24-200mm f/3.5~5.6
  • RMC 25-50mm f/4
  • AT-X AF 28-70mm f/2.8
  • AT-X 270 PRO AF 28-70mm f/2.6-2.8
  • AT-X 287 PRO SV AF 28–70mm f/2.8
  • AT-X 280 PRO AF 28-80mm f/2.8
  • AT-X 285 28-85mm f/3.5-4.5
  • AT-X 235 28-135mm f/4-4.6
  • AT-X 357 35-70mm f/2.8
  • AT-X 35-200mm f/3.5-4.5
  • AT-X SD 35-200mm f/3.5-4.5
  • AT-X 535 PRO DX AF 50–135mm f/2.8
  • AT-X 525 50-250mm f/4-5.6
  • AT-X 120 60-120mm f/2.8
  • AT-X 828 PRO AF 80-200mm f/2.8
  • AT-X 840 D AF 80-400mm f/4.5~5.6
  • AT-X 340 AF 100-300mm f/4
  • AT-X 150-500mm f/5.6

[edit] Compatible Cameras

  • Nikon "F", "N", and "D" series SLR cameras.
  • Nikkormat (Nikomat in Japan) "FT" and "EL" series SLR cameras.
  • Nikon 1 series with FT1 adapter
  • Medium-format systems
    • Horseman DigiWide camera
    • Sinar "m" system (using 35mm Mirror Module)
  • Video cameras
    • Red One digital video camera (using Red F-mount)
    • Camera-like "adapters"
      • Redrock M2
      • Letus Extreme
      • Shoot35 SGpro
      • P+S Technik Mini35
      • Movietube
